Non Executive Director and Family Meeting Service

What is a Non Executive Director (NED) and how can this help my business ?

Essentially the NED role is to provide a creative and focussed contribution to the board or management team of a business by providing independent oversight, input and where appropriate challenge.
Our NED service is to provide business owners with ongoing independent views and input from someone who is not caught up in the day to day operation of the business. It is also an effective way to ensure that plans are reviewed and progress tracked towards a satisfactory conclusion.

What about support for smaller businesses ?

We recognise that whatever the size of your business, the owner manager faces many challenges and decisions on an ongoing basis. Often it is very lonely in business or the size of the business means that there are a limited number of people to turn to for a second opinion or sounding board. Often decisions are made in isolation or with a compromise as those helping to make the decision have a vested interest or fixed mindset.
Our family / small business meeting support service can provide business owners with impartial and independent advice and support in much the same way as a more “corporate” NED. This support and follow up is often essential to bring best laid plans to a reality.

What is the cost of this type of support ?

This is a bespoke service and everyone’s situation is different and our approach will be based on your needs and requirements.
If you are interested in this type of support please enquire using the contact details on this website and we can discuss your needs and requirements where we will be pleased to provide you with a clear and transparent cost based on your needs and requirements and the appropriate consultant.
One thing to remember is that a plan is only ever as good as its execution. Time spent working “on” the business is often neglected & constrained by time spent “in” the business and a modest investment in outside involvement can often reap substantial rewards. Change is often uncomfortable and a lonely journey and this service is here to help.